Saturday, July 4, 2009

31. Dead Until Dark

Eh.... this one was ok. I was told since I liked Twilight I'd like this series too but I think I'm over the whole vampire thing.

I couldn't find a description online (they all just promote the tie to the HBO series), but I did find a customer review on B&N that is pretty much exactly inline with my opinion so....

"I read this book on a suggestion from someone who had read Twilight. I'm not into vampire books in particular, but I really liked the Twilight series so I gave this one a try. The story is somewhat similar, but I had a hard time getting into it. I felt no connection with the personalities of the characters as you never really have a chance to get to know them. I didn't feel the love behind the two main characters, Sookie and Bill, and they were already professing their love 1/3 of the way into the book. However, if you are into murder mysteries and vampires, you may like this one. It did have a couple of funny moments that made me chuckle, but unfortunately it was not enough to keep me interested in reading further books in this series. There was also a part near the end where they introduced a character (Bubba) that was so ridiculous I almost put the book down right then and there. This is just one person's opinion and I know there are probably a lot of readers who really like this series. So I guess you'd have to find out for yourself if you are one of those people..."

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